Old Communication and Modern Communication

first of all I will explain more about what is communication, it is the process of transmission and exchange of information, ideas and behaviors among members of one society and different societies. It is the process by which messages from the source to the future are exchanged.
As an old communication, In some Arab countries people and especially kings they were using the Homing pigeon as a way to communicate and sending massages to other countries. Moreover, threr is a uniqe and very old way to communicate and it is the smoke, villages who they know and understand each other especially they use it as warnning.

When the technology developed the communication ways had very big change, the technology noted that people will feel lazy to read lots of books and papers or to wait for long time to hear from someone. So now we have the new communicaton way which we can call it "device" phones and many type of tablets helps us to communicate with others very easy and fast, and i will call the internet "Hero" because he is giving us the major acces to see the world behind our devices and makes the modern life easier and faster.


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